Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ellie at 3 Months

Little Ellie is 3 months.  Holy Smokes it’s going so fast!  She is such a sweet baby and so much fun. 362

She weighs 12lbs and is 24 inches long.

She smiles at just about anything.  Out of the three of my kids, she has been by far the smileyest baby.029204364365370387

But on the other hand, she doesn’t mess around with little whimpers or whines.  When she is mad, she is MAD.  The cry she uses when she gets a shot at the doctors is the same cry she uses when she is hungry or tired…the “I’m going to die cry”.

I’m afraid to even write this down for fear of jinxing myself, but she is a pretty great sleeper.  She has been sleeping at least six hours every night since she was around 2 weeks old.  There have even been some eight hour nights, which is just a dream.

She loves to sit up.  If she gets fussy, most of the time putting her in a sitting position calms her right down.438  If she is laying down, she will do atomic sit-ups to try and look around. Like this…121122

Her brothers love her a ton…maybe just a bit too much.  They are always right in her face talking to her, giving her kisses, and hugs.139302311304This one looks to me like she is plotting some kind of evil plan

Her favorite way to sleep is to burrow.  She tries to bury her head into anything she can….which is just so safe.  Blankets, pillows…your armpit.  313349She also loves to be swaddled.

422She’s got some of the cutest little chubby baby rolls ever.417And I might be just a little jealous of her eyelashes.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Holy cow, three months already?!! Wow. She is pretty darn cute, she might just have that wild hair thing going on, I guess she will fit right in with her brothers then!!