Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ty is 2

Yesterday was Ty's birthday.  I can't believe he is 2.  It's just ridiculous how fast it goes by.  We celebrated with all the family on Saturday.  Ty has been super into anything Sesame Street, so I thought I would try to make an Elmo cake and Cookie Monster Cupcakes:
Ty seemed to like them...

The Grandmas' and Ty
Ty raked in the gifts

Uncle Jesse sang us a few songs (while Easton flew cars around)
Proof I was there.

And then we had cake. 
If you remember from last year the candle blowing was traumatic.  And, if this is at all possible to remember (which with Ty, it really is), I'm pretty sure that Ty may have a bit of PTSD from that first experience with fire.  Here's what happened this time:

Even though he didn't like the candle blowing, he seemed to be okay with the cupcake(s)

Yesterday, we gave him another cupcake and tried the candles again.  Things went better...

Happy Happy Birthday Ty!  


Lara said...

Happy Birthday Ty! I can't believe it's been 2 years either! I am already in denial that Rylee is turning 2 this year...Looks like he had fun!

Lindsey said...

Look at you and your baking skills!! Happy birthday- time does goes by so fast.

Melissa said...

Yeah, I can't believe it's been 2 years either! Looks like it was a great day! I made both my older boys that same Elmo cake on their second birthdays too! Love it! It's so cute!