Wednesday, August 29, 2012
1st Grade for Easton!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
A Park City Weekend
Ace’s birthday and our 8th wedding anniversary was this last week. And since it was the last week before Easton started school, Ace decided to take the whole week off from work. It was a real treat having him home, and not feeling like we had to be anywhere for anything.
We did a lot of relaxing in our pj’s
Then, for Ace’s birthday, the boys and I made Ace a shirt designed to get the kids to scratch his back with cars…it worked marvelously. We went to dinner, and had cake. What more could you ask for?
Oh, maybe a weekend in an awesome hotel…for free? Sure.
My dad got us a place at the Escala Lodge in Park City. The best. The owner, Claudia, treats us like celebrities every time we go. We got passes to on the gondola ride, the boys were in heaven!This is when we started going. They were screaming like we were on a roller coasterEllie just chilled in the stroller the whole ride.
We did some swimming…It was Ellie’s first time in the pool. She loved every bit of it….Especially the splashing part.
Then, Awesome Aunt Mandy and Uncle James offered to take the boys for the rest of the weekend for our anniversary. So, we invited them up to swim, and then they took the boys home…leaving us with only one child. I mean, piece. of. cake.Corbin and Easton. Best Cousins.
It was a fabulous weekend! Thanks dad for getting us the place, and thanks to Mandy and James for taking our crazy boys (they even took all 5 kids to church!) That deserves a huge round of applause!
We Are All Used To This By Now…
We Moved! Shocking, I know.
Here’s a little sum up…
My mom had an opportunity to move back into her old house in Orem. This is where she has been wanting to live, and where she will be once we leave.
Ace and I have decided to build a home in Lehi…Literally, the last place I thought we’d live in Utah, (no offense Lehi people, but when I was growing up, Lehi was a little bit of a joke) but I guess is started to grow on us!
I also didn’t think that we’d be building again. But the builders are letting Ace do all of the exterior of the home, which will be saving us a lot of moola. So we are building.
Problem is, they just started to dig. They say it takes them 90 days from the time they dig to finish the house. I am planning on 120 days, because I feel a little jinxed when it comes to things like that. Plus, if it is shorter than 120 days, I will be pleasantly surprised. So, because of timing, we had to move to Orem with my mom. My poor, poor mother!
And so, we put all of our things in storage and here we are, waiting for the day when we finally have our own house again! Here’s what they have done so far:Just a whole lot of dirt!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Ellie at 6 Months
Ellie’s Stats:
Length: 27 inches (79%)
Weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces (50%)
This little girl is busy, busy, busy! She has been crawling/scooting for about a month, and she is into everything in her path. My boys took their sweet time learning to move, especially Ty who didn’t crawl until he was around 11 months. So Ellie has shocked us all with how fast she is getting around. She needs to slow down! She has been getting into the trash cans, and anything else within reach that can make a mess…which is just my favorite. her push-ups.
She loves, loves her binky. But if she has something to say, or is in the mood to stick her tongue out there is no need to take the binky out, she is a pro a scooting the binky to the side for times like that.
She loves to practice her modeling pose…
She has mastered the sitting postionAnd loves her brothers.
She is in the process of getting her bottom two teeth. Notice the drool.
She is eating solid foods. Her favorite is green beans. She loves all of the veggies…except tolerates the peas, but so far refuses to eat the fruits. If I manage to get some fruit in her mouth, she immediately begins to gag, gets the chills, and spits it back out. I have never seen a child love the veggies and hate the fruit. Funny girl.
She is super happy all the time. Loves to babble, and sing. We just love her.